Thursday, January 17, 2013



I'll be helping Ankita out with choir blog posts from now on!! This is your cue to cheer loudly and clap!! Woohoooo!!!! okay okay anyway.

What we did on 16 Jan - worked on Ecce Crucem Domini and Ave Maria. Mr Tay led warmups.


remember the tuning work that we did, and remember to put in each new instruction as we go along. It's also really really really important to have a good sense of pulse, to not switch off during warmups (AND PRACTICE TOO OK) and to sing together, yeah?

Ecce Crucem Domini:

TERMS TO GOOGLE: Passacaglia, Ostinato. We learnt most of part B, and tried to put in some of the ad libbing. Remember the rhythms that we practiced.

Ave Maria:

Everyone is to learn the trio solo! Also, emphasis should be on the moving parts! We managed to go through the trio part for the whole piece today.

Please make sure that you put in everything you learnt from this practice from now onwards. If any one still doesn't have scores, please approach Ankita! As Mrs Liow announced during practice there's also going to be practices on 24/1, 31/1, 14/2, 7/3, 14/3, and 28/3.

And for all new members, if you haven't already done so, send your contact info to your SLs.  Bring a set of PE attire for every choir practice, get a file for your scores, and a choir journal to record things during practice. I hope y'all don't feel too intimidated or anything.If you ever need help, feel free to approach any of us, and/or your buddy!
